Tag Archives: DIY

Gift Basket a.k.a Mystery Sister

5 May

The other night I had the opportunity to make this gift basket. I’am apart of a SAHM group where once a month we gift one another. This was my first time participating and I must admit, I had a blast shopping and making this Cross Canvas for the lady. 18199013_1160690540720136_5190579871568564710_n

DIY: How to Secure a Gazebo

18 Feb


Gazebo @ Target

Worried about your Gazebo flying away this summer when that next wind storm happens? Well, don’t be. If you have your Gazebo on a concrete patio and are not able to secure it into the ground and want to save on the added expense of hiring a professional to come out and drill holes into your patio concrete. Then, here is a quick and easy workable solution to adding weight to the Gazebo and making sure it stays in place all year round. Also see my DIY: Gazebo chandelier which will also adds weight to the middle of the frame keeping the Gazebo on the patio and not in the air or worse all over your neighbors backyard.


What I did to fix his fly away Gazebo problem was 60 lb. Sandbags, X-Large Flower Pots, Rocks, Soil and Vines.


What I did:

Took this big flower pot and inserted the Gazebo Leg inside,

then cut open two 60 lb. bags of sand and poured the two sand bags around the Gazebo leg at  the bottom.

Then I added some rocks and soil inside the pot on top of the sand leaving enough room to plant a few plants and vines.


Now, There’s about 150 lbs. of weight on each leg totaling 600 lbs. all around the Gazebo. She’s not flying off anywhere anytime soon. Hope this helps keep your Gazebo secure while saving money and keeping your investment (Gazebo) safe, secure and looking good all year.


Remember: Depending where you live always make sure during winter or wet months that you take the cover off the Gazebo as too much water or snow build up on the cover could lead to a roof collapse not only damaging the roof cover but also the Gazebo frame.

DIY: Gazebo Chandelier

18 Feb


Last summer I made this chandelier to add a little sparkle and summer charm under my Gazebo. There’s nothing like sitting out on a nice warm sunny day in the evening and being able to have candles lit up in the night sky with a drink in hand and relax. This chandelier gives a cozy feel inside the Gazebo and turns the outdoor living space into a whole other extended room.



Step 1: Prime Paint Wood


Step 2: I drilled holes into the wood. Then Painted the wood Dark Brown. After the Paint was dried I inserted the nuts and bolts to hold the chain.


Step 3: Next I inserted 10 hook rings into the wood piece to hang the mason jars and then I prepared the mason Jars with twine to hang from the hooks.


Step 4: I added the D-ring to the chain and hoisted the chandelier up and placed it on the hook. Afterward I added the Mason Jars to the hooks and set the candles inside and finished this project in an afternoon.


Very Inspiring Blog Award

7 Feb
Thank you to Inspiring blogger thesensiblescrap for nominating my blog last night for Very Inspiring Blogger. This is exciting and I truly appreciate the nomination and look forward to continuing to inspire inspiration and connecting with other inspiring bloggers. Thank you!

“It is not about the nomination, but it is about somebody acknowledge that my blog is inspiring” –RealityDreamer24


15 Nominated Inspiring Bloggers Congratulations!

1. becausewecan-“An Architectural firm with Amazing designs by leading designers and  husband and wife team Jeffrey McGrew and Jillian Northrup.”

2. gardensunshine -“This blog is so beautiful is filled with gorgeous gardening photography and has design, diy and before and after makeover projects.”

3. eclecticlamb-”Has the best Bento box lunch ideas. Great ideas for making kids school lunch meals or pack n go food while on the go or traveling.”

4. mamasgottabake-”Beautiful pastry desserts and food recipes including wonderful photographs.”

5. frugalfeeding.com -”He’s handsome, from the UK and knows how to cook great foods on a budget.”

6. lovethesecretingredient -”Recipes for every meal from breakfast to desert all made with love by Mary.”

7. thelemursarehungry -”Blog about traveling and food.  Has a variety of recipes from all over the world.”

8. checkoutNutsandBolts -“Beautiful! All DIY projects and interior design. Must See!”

9. MakeSomethingMondays -“Every Monday there’s something new being created. Awesome fun creative blog with links to other bloggers and photography.”

10. irisinteriors-“Interior Designer with many interior photographs of furniture and homes. Beautiful and very inspirational.”

11. communidiy-“Beautiful Blog with many diy arts & crafts tutorials. Also has the cuttest Owl Baby shower diy: Invitations and other beautiful diy crafts.”

12. sugar-coat-it-“Beautiful food recipes from sweets to dinner.”

13. southerndisposition -“Wonderful DIY: Dollhouse tutorial made of binders.”

14. brooklynlimestone -“Beautiful do it yourself cat bed ideas made of suitcase and lots of DIY Projects.”

15. chaoticallycreative-“Mom and Daughter create home decor designs, diy projects, find bargain deals, do makeovers, cooking, cleaning and everything else.”



1. I Love my family 🙂

2. I Like thrift shopping and love a bargain.

3.I Like do-it-yourself projects. I am always re-creating, designing or creating something new or again with a makeover.

4. I Love , love, love Thai food!!!!

5. I Love to travel and have visited over 10 countries outside of the United States.

6.  I Love to cook all kinds of food and watching others cook and learning how to make the recipes myself. “Cooking is like Art.”

7. I Love learning to learn and doing.

See! 🙂


Here are the rules:
Copy and paste the Award graphic in a post.
Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
Share 7 things about yourself.
Nominate 15 bloggers, and tell them by posting a comment on their blog.

Dollhouse Chandelier

3 Feb

Barbie Chandelier

Designed by Kathleen Heady

I’ve been wanting to make my daughter a chandelier for her dollhouse for awhile now. So I finally found the materials I have had in mind to do this project. I found these styrofoam cone shaped twine things at a craft store and I decided these would make perfect for the chandelier as I had been imagining something that was like a willow tree branch with lights. Then I found some colorful beautiful beads that I decided would be perfect to hot glue onto these cones for the dollhouse chandelier and here it is! Here is how I did it…..


With the styrofoam cone branches I intertwined them together. Then with a mixing bowl I poured the beads in there and got the hot glue gun ready and started the gluing and dipping process.


Then, I hot glued each cone. What I did was I set all the beads in a mixing bowl and had the hot glue gun ready then hot glued a little bit of the cone dipped it into the bead bowl and repeated until entire cone was covered in beads. It took about 5-10 minutes per cone to dip in the beads. Then once the glue had dried I carefully took the leftover hot glue strings hanging on the cones and slowly but carefully peeled them off each cone for a finished look.


Next, I re-arranged the cones once more to how I wanted them to look and finished up this project by wrapping twine around the green branches to hang in the dollhouse.



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